ON THE EDGE Premier Hockey Academy "Building elite hockey skills right here in Vernon"
On-ice programs are designed and executed by experienced elite instructors who live in Vernon and care about local hockey. Guest instruction and on-ice assistance is also provided by local NHL/Jr. level players.
Phys. Ed. programs adhere to BC Education guidelines. We offer a well balanced mix of hockey specific skills, athletic literacy, and vigorous exercise. All in a positive atmosphere.
All lessons are lead by qualified instructors and invited special speakers. Rod Peters, vLearn Coordinator, is the primary education liaison between SD22 and OTE Academy. Many thanks to Rod for his terrific contributions !!
Our goal is to help each and every student learn how to achieve their potential in life, school, and in hockey.
Helping to shape fully rounded student athletes is far more than x's and o's and flow drills. That is easy.
At OTE, students will leave our program with a much better understanding of what it takes to achieve their potential and how to plan and execute for success.
The OTE Academy prides itself on providing the best skills program value in the North Okanagan.
Helping local players stay local and building truly elite hockey skills is the founding principle
that drives all of our work.
"My operating mandate is simple," says OTE Director Sam Mowat. "Price must be kept attainable for the average family. The
expense of pursuing elite skills in hockey has sky-rocketed. There needs to be real solutions."
Copyright © On the Edge Premier Hockey Academy.